Press Release

CentraleSupélec and Pasqal, a partnership at the heart of quantum computing to further accelerate the future of quantum technology
CentraleSupélec and PASQAL have joined forces in an academic partnership, which aims to offer students valuable know-how to meet the expectations of players in the quantum market.
Since 2019, PASQAL has been building Neutral atoms quantum computers, with the aim of bringing a practical quantum advantage to its customers on real-world industrial challenges. For 3 years, the company has been benchmarking its ideas with the growing quantum computing market and end-user needs. PASQAL has leveraged its academic DNA to develop industrial solutions used by leaders in their sector. Through this partnership with CentraleSupélec, PASQAL wishes to share its experience.
“Our experience, combining Research and Industry, is relevant for CentraleSupélec’s students. Quantum computing is leveraged on core projects by a wide variety of industries. Generalist engineering courses are therefore becoming compatible with the expectations of quantum market players. Coming from fundamental research and now meeting market requirements, we have structured our knowledge in order to move from prototypes to industry level products. The technological roadmap and the development of the company are highly ambitious. We therefore welcome innovative and passionate profiles to join us,” says Loïc Henriet, CTO of PASQAL.
France promotes quantum at the international level
In early 2021, Emmanuel Macron presented a 5 years national quantum plan. The partnership between CentraleSupélec and PASQAL is one of the results. The goal is to train skilled engineers and to display a strong attractiveness on the international market.
The potential of quantum technologies will feed the reflections and anticipations of students, future business leaders. CentraleSupélec thus offers a pool of talent to PASQAL to accelerate its development.
“The Quantum Engineering degree is one of the twenty-three courses available to CentraleSupélec engineering students. Launched at the start of the 2020 academic year, this training course has seen its attendee numbers more than double in three years and will welcome around thirty students next September. This one-year training course – half of which is an internship – starts from the fundamentals of modern physics, then leads to applications provided by quantum physics. This includes semiconductors and lasers, both known since the 20th century and still carrying technological breakthroughs, as well as the technologies presented in the €2b national quantum plan to develop quantum computers, quantum sensors and quantum communications. This partnership, starting at the beginning of the 2022 academic year, will allow students in Quantum Engineering to complete their studies as closely as possible to the reality of the ecosystem pushing the second quantum revolution.” says Thomas Antoni, teacher in charge of the Quantum Engineering training and researcher at CentraleSupélec.
CentraleSupélec, in partnership with PASQAL, meets the expectations of the French quantum plan, competitiveness and sovereignty, by combining training, excellence and industrial development.