Pasqal supports GESDA in the Open Quantum Institute activities

Pasqal will support The Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator activities related to the recently launched Open Quantum Institute
Paris, France, October 26, 2023 – PASQAL, the leader in neutral atoms quantum computing, and The Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator(GESDA), the non-profit-Swiss foundation established in Geneva that focuses on promoting the best science available and to provide solutions to current and future technological related challenges, proudly announce a collaboration to support activities related to the “Open Quantum Institute” (OQI) initiative.
The creation of the OQI was announced on October 13 during the “Geneva Political Talks on Science and Diplomacy” that were held at the CERN Science Gateway during the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipation Summit organized by GESDA, where PASQAL was present. In the announcement, GESDA stated that the aim of the OQI is “to make high-performance quantum computers available to all the people interested with finding solutions to accelerate the implementation of the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the fields of health, energy, climate protection and any relevant domain of application.”
The OQI will be hosted by CERN and supported by the Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS).
GESDA has spearheaded the design and incubation of the OQI initiative to promote global, inclusive, and equitable access to quantum computing technology and knowledge with the following goals:
- Realize the full potential of quantum for humanity by bringing together quantum researchers and developers, entrepreneurs, and innovation cells of UN organizations.
- Provide global and broad access to a large pool of private and public quantum computers through the cloud.
- Educate to enable everyone to contribute and leverage quantum computing.
- Activate diplomacy to shape a multilateral governance of quantum for the UN’s SDG goals.
PASQAL and GESDA have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to become supporting partners of this global initiative. PASQAL, whose well aligned with the OQI’s activities, will explore with GESDA opportunities to support OQI activities, mainly in the implementation of use cases, including providing cloud access to PASQAL’s quantum devices, tools, training, onboarding materials, as well as technical expertise to support the implementation of use cases and algorithms.
“We recognized for the OQI the importance of providing cloud access to a wide range of state-of-the-art quantum processors, covering diverse modalities, diverse geographies, and coming from diverse sources (large corporates as well as startups and public sector),” said Catherine Lefebvre, VP Global Policy & Partnerships at PASQAL and Senior Advisor for the OQI at GESDA. “PASQAL’s technology, with its analog neutral atom devices, will enable the implementation of SDG use cases and play acritical role in the success of the OQI.“
“For PASQAL it is an opportunity to reach out to different communities of end-users and actively play a key role in harnessing quantum computing for the transformation of our world towards a more sustainable future. We’re delighted to partner with GESDA to support the activities of the OQI,” commented Benno Broer, CCO at PASQAL.
The Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA) is an independent non-profit foundation under Swiss law and a private-public partnership with the Swiss and Geneva authorities. GESDA was created in 2019 to strengthen the impact and innovation capacity of the international community through science and diplomacy anticipation. GESDA Foundation Board of Directors is chaired by Peter Brabeck-Letmathe (Vice-President of the World Economic Forum (WEF); Chairman Emeritus of Nestlé SA) and vice-chaired by Patrick Aebischer (former President of EPFL), both appointed by the Swiss Federal Council.
PASQAL builds quantum computers from ordered neutral atoms in 2D and 3D arrays to bring a practical quantum advantage to its customers and address real-world problems. PASQAL was founded in 2019 out of the Institut d’Optique, by Georges-Olivier Reymond, Christophe Jurczak, Professor Dr. Alain Aspect, Nobel Prize Laureate Physics, 2022, Dr. Antoine Browaeys, and Dr. Thierry Lahaye. PASQAL has secured more than €140million in financing to date.