Pulser : Pasqal's software for quantum processors

Pulser: a control software at the pulse-level for Pasqal quantum processors
Palaiseau, January 22th, 2021 – Quantum Computing startup Pasqal releases an open-source software enabling the control of neutral atoms-based processors at the level of laser pulses. The development of this library has benefitted from a collaboration with Unitary Fund, a non-profit working to create a quantum technology ecosystem that benefits the most people.
Quantum processors have the potential to outperform classical computers on some of the hardest computational tasks. In order to reach a practical quantum advantage, a precise control over the quantum resources is required. On neutral atom processors, this important task can be achieved through the new python library Pulser. Pulser enables users to control the arrangement of qubits in arbitrary geometries on Pasqal chips and to write sequences of laser pulses to be applied on the system. A custom emulator running on classical processors is included to reproduce the expected behavior of the hardware.

The repository of the new software library, which can be accessed at here, includes a set of tutorials, addressing many important use–cases of Quantum Computing and Quantum Simulation using neutral atoms. The development of this software tool was done in close collaboration with Unitary Fund, which provided technical advisory for the design of the key features of the library, thanks to its exceptional familiarity with open-source initiatives.
Loïc Henriet, head of Quantum Software and Applications at Pasqal explains: “We are developing our software stack in order to give to our customers and partners all the tools to address their problems on our processors. We believe that having a very detailed control over our qubits is a prime requirement for advanced users, who want to develop their own custom procedures. For users who wish to work with a higher level of abstraction, for example programming with Quantum gates, Pulser can also be coupled to higher-level software such as Atos myqlm, Google Cirq, or QuTiP QIP frameworks.”
Nathan Shammah, Chief Technology Officer of Unitary Fund, adds: “We were thrilled to participate in the development of Pulser. This open-source library is an important contribution towards making the use of quantum processors more transparent for users and especially for researchers worldwide. This is a stepping stone for quantum simulation and pulse-based quantum computing capabilities in atom processors, and we’re elated that Pasqal is committed to an open-science approach in this space. What their team is building is impressive.”
About Pasqal
Pasqal was founded with the vision to leverage the technology developed at Institut d’Optique in Palaiseau (France) to build quantum processors out of neutral atoms in their excited Rydberg state, ordered in large 2D and 3D arrays. Pasqal’s purpose is to bring practical quantum advantage to its customers.
About Unitary Fund
Unitary Fund is a U.S. 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to create a quantum technology ecosystem faster, better, and to benefit everyone. Unitary Fund’s research arm, Unitary Labs, performs open-access research, develops open-source software on error mitigation, Mitiq, and supports projects that help the ecosystem.